Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Expresing Gratitude


Gratitude adalah salah satu jenis ekspresi / expression ang ditunjukkan oleh seseorang kepada orang lain karena telah mendapatkan sesuatu yang sangat bermanfaat. Dengan kata lain gratitude ini bermakna “terima kasih”.
Disini saya punya beberapa contoh “bagaimana sich mengungkapkan terima kasih kepada orang lain yang telah berjasa kepada kita…” Berikut contoh – contoh yang bisa dijadikan referensi. Contoh – contoh ini saya ambil dari Thank You Note yuang ditulis oleh Geeta Dhavale pada alamat : http://www.buzzle.com/articles/thank-you-notes-gratitude-examples.html.
Contoh 1 (Biasa diungkapkan pada hari Ibu, hari Ulang Tahun Pernikahan orang tua)
Dear Mom and Dad,
I know, you do not need this thank you, but I am doing it for myself. I never said it before, but you are the best parents one could ever get. Lucky me! You really mean the world to me, in fact I saw this world through your eyes. You gave me the wings to fly away and explore this world on my own. Thank you very much for the love, care, and affection you showered me with. I may not be able to ever return that to you, but I want to say, I LOVE YOU! And thanks for making me the most cherished person in your life. THANKS!!!!
Love you,
Contoh 2 (Biasanya diungkapkan dihari Ulang Tahun, dan hari – hari perayaan lain)
Dear ______,
Hey sweetheart, you know how much you mean to me, but let me say it one more time! You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you very much for bringing eternal sunshine to my life. Your smile makes my day and inspires me to do the best of things in life. Thank you very much for that motivation. Sharing life with someone was never so wonderful. Thank you very much my love.
Love you baby…
Truly yours,
(your name)
Contoh 3 (Biasanya digunakan untuk ucapan terima kasih kepada teman, rekan kerja dan masih banyak lagi)
Dear _____,
I know you find it weird, but I really mean it. Thank you for being there for me always. I will always cherish those precious moments spent with you. That all time favorite coffee time gossip, those long drives on the bike at night, ‘bird watching’ in the college campus, and ‘one night before’ assignment and exam preparations. Life was never so youthful, it’s your friendship that will keep me young, even when I will be 60. Thank you very much for every thing.
Love you buddy!
(your name)
Contoh 4 (Biasanya dipakai untuk acara resmi seperti kepada Guru, kepada Direktur Perusahaan, dsb)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to thank you for all the support and concern. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me. It has helped me immensely in all my endeavors. Thank you for recognizing the spark in me and giving me the opportunity to be what I am today. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
(your name)
Nah, demikian beberapa contoh dari Gratitude Expression yang bisa teman – teman jadikan referensi. Selamat belajar ya teman – teman. Salam sukses selalu.


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